Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My least favorite way to dry my hands

It is time for an important discussion. A discussion about a matter that affects us all—the hand driers in public restrooms.

As you all know, there are certain kinds of faucets that are surely the devil's own invention (also, the ones that are so short that your hands bump the back of the sink when using them—ugh!) But not much discussion has been given to the topic of hand dryers.

The environmental community is pretty much of a consensus that electrical hand dryers are more eco-friendly than paper towels, (although I will remind you that it's more eco-friendly to use neither, if you can stand to go around with wet, frozen hands for a few minutes after washing, which I personally, environmental advocate though I am, cannot), so when I'm at a public restroom that gives me a choice, I always go for the electric dryer. Even when it's a ... [insert ominous music here] ... Dip-style dryer! (I was going to use a specific brand name here, but I decided since this is a highly critical post, other brands are also producing the same style of dryers, and the brand in question has since come out with other styles of dryers, I would cut them a break.)

There are many kinds of electric dryers out there, from the ancient wheezers that aren't worth the bother, to the supersonic wind tunnels. But the dippers take the cake. The brand I'm not naming calls its product the "fastest, most hygienic" hand dryer. What it doesn't mention is it's also the most uncomfortable. It's the only electric hand dryer I've found so difficult to use that I've actually stopped to note their name.

In case you're not familiar with these torture devices, they look like this:
You're supposed to turn your hands parallel to the wall, then dip them down into the dryer and back up until they are dry. Has the designer actually ever tried this motion? It is awkward and clumsy, and since there's very little clearance between the front and back of the cavity, you're almost guaranteed to bump your still-wet hand into it—somewhat belying the "most hygienic" claim. 

Ah, well, what is a poor public-restroom-user to do? Start using paper towels? Perish the thought! Or maybe just complain about it in her blog, and hope that hand dryer manufacturers read it and learn of their folly.... Now there's an idea!


James D. said...

Well, hmpf. I appreciate you not naming us outright. However have you considered maybe the machines wouldn't be such an issue if you didn't have such freakishly large hands? :P