Monday, July 29, 2013

Bernadette's Peanut Butter Cookie

Recently, I went on a vacation to the Midwest.

After days of suffering the meat-centric cuisine of Kansas City and its environs, I went to get my boyfriend change from the cashier at some heinous barbecue joint, and I returned from the cashier's stand with two delicious-looking giant cookies. This cookie arrived in my life just when I was beginning to lose hope of ever enjoying my food.

And enjoy it I did! It was one of the best cookies I've eaten in my history of giant cookie reviewing.
It was just cooked enough to hold it together, but still soft and almost raw on the inside. The coarse sugar on top added just the right amount of textural variety.

I loved this cookie with my whole heart. I wish I could have reviewed its sister chocolate chip cookie, but alas, I accidentally left it in my brother's fridge when I left Kansas.

But if you're ever in Kansas City, have a gander at Best of Bernadette's Cakes and Catering, because at least one cookie will be worth your effort.

The Bottom Line
Taste: 5 stars
Texture: 5 stars
Price: 4 stars