Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spending Spree

When I start buying a lot of things, I sometimes like to catalog them, just so (1) I can keep track of what I got, (2) so I can keep track of the great deals I snagged, and (3) so I have a reminder of how frivolous I'm being, to encourage me to stop it!

Last week, I made three big purchases on eBay, adding up to almost 50 dollars:

A lot of green clothing (6 pieces),
A lot of 5 dresses, and
A skirt set.

Then I bought a yoga mat on Amazon. In order to get free shipping, I added on an 11-dollar pair of shoes, for a grand total of 30 dollars.

A few days later, a pile of discounts combined in such a way that I was able to order a 54-dollar pair of shoes for just 10 dollars. It is an absolutely awesome pair of shoes, by the way. I really hope it fits and the color is right!

Yesterday, an ad directed me to, where I found a hairbrush that promises to detangle my hair gently. I've been having a lot of trouble with my brush lately, so I had to spend the 14 dollars.

Today, purchased a bundle pack of 10 yoga classes for 29 dollars and unexpectedly got an additional 10-dollar discount. That's really cheap, but when you factor in the cost of riding the Metro to get there, it is not quite so appealing. But I'm doing it anyway, because my boyfriend has 900 dollars on his Metro card and offered to let me help him use it up.

Tomorrow, while said boyfriend is drinking it up at a beer and bourbon festival (we're mostly inseparable, but for beer and bourbon, I'll make an exception), I have every intention of using the 20%-off coupon for Shoppers World that comes in the mail every 2 weeks without fail. I might spend up to 10 dollars! Mama needs some new black shorts!

However, I'm still not the high-roller I might appear to be, because tonight I'm going to trade up my broken sofa for a coworker's cat-scratched one. For free! Now, I just need to do something about that non-functioning TV...Or is it the VCR and the DVD player simultaneously? Or is it the cables?