This happened to me twice in the past few weeks, at two separate establishments. Both times, the macaroni was so bland (not bad, but not spectacular either), that I had to spice it up with other ingredients.
Tommy Joe's
At Tommy Joe's restaurant, our latest trivia venue, I added mustard to the boring macaroni to give it a little extra kick. This is actually one of my favorite ways to eat macaroni and cheese when I want a little more out of it.
Urban Bar-b-que
Do you notice that the two macaronis even look the same? |
Without these modifications, each macaroni would have been awarded but one happy noodle. For not being terrible.The Mood Noodle rating system is not based on a fixed scale, but is a much more subjective system based on what makes me happy and what makes me sad.
Any number of happy noodles and comparatively few sad noodles constitute a good rating.