Those who know me well know that one of
my least attractive traits is a tendency toward tantrums over trivial
things. I try (sort of half-heartedly) to keep my cool, but when I'm
mad, there's just nothing that makes me want to get un-mad! So what's a
hot-headed girl to do?
Well, those who know me even sort of well know that one of my other traits is an unswerving thriftiness. I have
rules about how much I'll pay
for almost anything, and it takes a truly desperate need to make me
exceed my limits. It's not that I don't have the money; it's just that I
won't let myself spend it!
And therein lies the key to simmering
down when I'd rather just boil over. I need an incentive to curb my
anger, and what better incentive for a self-denying penny-pincher like
me than free money to spend any way I want?
And so I've started
the Anger Management Fund. Now whenever I'm so enraged I want to spit
bullets, I offer myself 5 dollars for unrestricted spending. If I want
to buy a 60-dollar dress with it, that's fine. Some silly 80-dollar wall
decal? No problem. 100-dollar shoes? Girl, that's crazy, but you can do
it! (For reference, I usually draw the line at 13 dollars for a dress,
20 dollars for a pair of heels, and zero dollars for home decor.)
the logic is somewhat flawed (It's not like the money isn't coming out
of my own funds anyway), this actually usually works to help me calm
Naturally, I have to avert several meltdowns before I've
accumulated enough to buy anything significant. I've been using this
system since late summer of 2012, and I've worked my way up to seventy
dollars. Not quite enough for a wall decal, but plenty for a couple of
whimsical pieces of apparel and jewelry. Here they are.
And in case you're curious, here's how I earned all that money:
10$ - For 2 forgotten incidents before I opened the fund.
5$ - For overcooking my green beans.
- For forgetting to clean the bathroom, forgetting to get new
shampoo, and banging my hand on the oven all within 25 minutes.
5$ -
For leaving my clothes in the dryer for 3 hours to get all wrinkly again
when I'd put them in the dryer in the first place to de-wrinkle them.
5$ - For overcooking my green beans again!
5$ - For forgetting to bring everything into the shower that I needed for taking a shower.
5$ - For having to cross H street twice while trying to get onto H street. On foot! (There was an overpass in the way.)
5$ - For getting ignored by customer service at Safeway.
(That doesn't account for all 70 dollars, but it does account for all the 43 that I spent on this last batch of goodies.)