Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Art & Soul Macaroni and Cheese

By now I've had a lifetime's worth of "Meh"caroni and cheese. And that's what I got at Art & Soul.

The curly noodles were cooked to perfection. The cheese was real, gooey, baked, and topped with breadcrumbs. All of which I like.

But I just didn't really taste anything from this macaroni. It didn't tickle my palate.

While it was not bad by any stretch, it was neither mind-bogglingly good. It filled me up when I needed food, but I would not return to this restaurant with the express purpose of eating macaroni and cheese.

1 Happy noodle for having a good texture.
1 Sad noodle for having little flavor.
1 happy noodle 1 sad noodle

The Mood Noodle rating system is not based on a fixed scale, but is a much more subjective system based on what makes me happy and what makes me sad.
Any number of happy noodles and comparatively few sad noodles constitute a good rating.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mother's Day cookie from Whole Foods

I do indeed love my mother, and since I couldn't be with her this Mother's Day, I figured the next best thing would be to honor her remotely by eating a Mother's Day cookie.

Sadly, this Mother's Day cookie wasn't quite as perfect as the mother it stood in for.

The pink icing was a weird tough sheet with a quite chewy texture that I can't say I've ever encountered elsewhere. It was unique, and I liked it, but it didn't seem to have any discernible flavor.

By contrast, the lettering was still gooey and soft 3 days after purchase. Since I first tucked into this cookie when I had a cold (not the best circumstances to adequately judge food,) I saved part of it to eat later when I could review it more fairly. And 13 days after purchase, the icing was still soft. It had the texture of mayonnaise, and the flavor of...sweet nothing? Well, at least I can be thankful it was not mayonnaise. But there was far too much of it to get away with being so tasteless.

Especially for someone who likes to break off little pieces of cookie one at a time, this was a messy cookie to eat. The gooey lettering got all over my hands, and the pink sheet did not stay attached to the cookie whenever I broke it, typically falling back onto the cookie and its mess of frostingaise.

The cookie itself walked the border between crunchy and chewy. It was fine, as far as sugar cookie bases go, but much like the frosting, it seemed to have no flavor except a tiny hint of butteriness.

All in all, I feel this cookie sends the message, "Mom, you're sweet, but kind of bland."

The Bottom Line:
Taste:2 out of 5 stars
Texture:2 out of 5 stars
Price:2 out of 5 stars (2.28¢ per gram)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Macaroni from the Right Proper Brewing Company

When a beer-hating macaroni blogger finds herself at a brewing company of all places, what else can she do but grab a menu and hope for macaroni?

This macaroni was, fortunately, everything I could have hoped for.

It was salty, not mushy, topped with not just real cheese, but real cheese that was delightfully crispy in spots, was not beer!

I may just have to rate the Right Proper macaroni as my favorite macaroni and cheese to date.

However, considering how much desperate hunger (and a mortal fear of beer) might have played into my review, I will give it another eat sometime before I crown it with such a dramatic title. I will, however, rate it 3 happy noodles for all the qualities above-mentioned.

1 happy noodle1 happy noodle1 happy noodle

The Mood Noodle rating system is not based on a fixed scale, but is a much more subjective system based on what makes me happy and what makes me sad.
Any number of happy noodles and comparatively few sad noodles constitute a good rating.